A scene; scarecrow in the mountain Stitovo above Niksic. The plastic entity is surrounded by Bosnian Pines.

Munike is an ongoing collaboration with Montenegrin Society of Ecologists, an environmental NGO. Munika (Montenegrin name for the Bosnian Pine) is a tree-species autochthonous to the Balkan region. The organization’s efforts are to address and record the effects of climate change on the tree’s population through dendrochronological research. MSE organized two children camps underneath the Munike shade in Stitovo promoting ecological consciousnness through workshops.

I co-lead a workshop on land-art, and sourcing natural pigments for drawing alongisde my cousin artist Jovana Popovic. 

On 24 September 2022 MES organized an exhibition at Podgorica-based gallery Kuslevova Kuça titled: Carobni Svijet Munika (The Magical World of the Bosnian Pine). The exhibition featured children’s drawings, photographs, and works by artists who responded to the theme including myself. 

Still in progress: Documentary

I spent summer 2021 conducting interviews and compling video footage of organization’s efforts.  The documentary is still in production, delayed by physical injury. Continuation of filming is anticipated for summer 2023.

Scenes from the forest:

- cousin ecologist Jelena Popovic on cut down trees
- oil carton used for chainsaws
- found charcoal on stone
- a munika tree trunk

Children’s camp July and August 2021: 

- kids among the tents (photo credits: Dejan Lazarevic) 
- land art project: the kids, Jovana and I around a stone made spiral inspired by Robert Smithson
- drawings made by a boy with natural pigments
- cups of pigments (tumeric, raspberries, coffee, paprika)

Drawings exhibited at Carobni Svijet Munika exhibition:
